Category: Who made it? / Minority in Hungary / Hungarian gipsy / Hungarian / About which minority? / ethnic minority / minority in Hungary / Hungarian gipsy / Point of view / integration / Fortunate Meetings Project (2012-2013) / 4.0 blog films / art / theatre / construction of production / in integration workshops
Genre: Documentary
Nationalities: Hungary
Year: 2012
Age group: Grand Competition
Director: Balázs Viktória, Hartyándi Jenő
13 min. 2012, Colour, szöveges, Hungarian
Operatőr: Dömötör Péter
Vágó: Hartyándi Jenő
Szereplők: Riport, reported by: Balázs Viktória, Hang, Sound by: Wahl Frigyes, Projektvezető, Leader of Project: Nyári Pál, Producer: Nyári Oszkár,